Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Only In Pinas

It's halfway of the week...and the first time it rained like hell. Took me two hours to go to work, but I was a bit feeling upbeat. Spent the whole morning trip singing the falsetto parts of Tanya Markova's album inspite of the melancholic atmosphere. Traffic was everywhere, even on the most private parts of the road there was chaos. just can't imagine how many trucks, buses and jeepneys are on the streets nowadays. And to top it all off, road renovations are all over the metro causing more traffic. Its even more frustrating to see our men in uniform just standing on one corner and acting as if they're controlling the traffic when in fact, they are really just there as mascots busy with texting and gossiping with their fellow enforcers, tsk...tsk...tsk!

As the phrase goes..."ONLY IN PINAS".

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